Wednesday, April 30, 2014

A difficult day with ADHD

I don't know if part of it is that Joy isn't on her full dose of ADHD meds right now or if school is just too much for her or if it's a combination of both, but wow is she mouthy, bossy, destructive, and anything I try and talk to her about I just get smirked at or giggled at.  Regardless, of what it is she doesn't like the consequences and is choosing to act out more which got her sent to bed a little early tonight.

She came home from school today and told me that she learned that kids in Virginia can get married at age 10.  I told her that nobody is ready for marriage at 10 years old and asked her what else she learned at school today.  She said that she didn't know.  She's doing awful in school and although she tries hard, she has definitely got a learning order of some sort.  She's been acting out a little more this year and we give her some grace there as we understand where it's coming from...she's totally overwhelmed with school and doesn't get it at all.  It's hard to see her struggle so hard and we give her As and Bs for her efforts as she does try hard most of the time.  However, I will not give grace for a child who is being disrespectful and so I had to give her consequences today.  I hate doing it.  Anyway, later at dinner she told Hubby all about how they learned about budgets today at school and said that she remembered us talking about our budget.  We were able to talk to her for a little bit before she totally lost her focus and moved the conversation elsewhere.

I asked her to help pick up tonight and every other second she was telling me she was done.  I'd look and there were still toys everywhere.  Half the time, she was walking on them and yet she was still telling me that she was done.  I tried to make it simpler for her and told her what to pick up first and where to put it, and then I'd catch her sitting there playing instead.  Then, she started with crazy questions where she was asking things that she could plainly see the answers too.  I told her that I wasn't playing that game when she knew the answer, but if she had a real question that I'd be glad to answer her.  She'd ask the silly question and then laugh and all she was trying to do was pull me into it and I wasn't budging.  After awhile, thankfully she realized that she wasn't going to get me to answer the silly questions but that I still expected her to do her chores and she finally finished up the chore and quit asking crazy questions.  She'd look up from time to time to make sure that I was still sitting there to watch her.

I'm taking another adoptive parent's challenge for the month of May and we started doing meditations tonight with the help of youtube and singing positive songs and so forth.  She got smirky and wanted to distract the other kids.  I had to keep redirecting her back to being quiet so as not to disturb the others.  I'm trying everything that I can or that I come across to try and help them build self-confidence, work on focus, control temper tantrums, deal with anger and anxiety, and work on better focus and concentration...I let her smirkiness get to me and it hurt.  I just want to help them.  I'm not giving up...we are going to do this and give it more time.  I just need to pray about it and let go of my frustration.  Joy needs prayer to get through the remainder of school.  And I am hoping that tomorrow when she gets back on the right dosage of ADHD meds that it will be a better day.

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